Frequently Asked Questions
What are your tax preparation service fees?
Tax preparation service fees are determined based upon the individual needs of each client. All paid services are non-refundable.
How are tax preparation service fees paid?
Your tax preparation service fees can be paid through your refund transfer, through a credit or debit card via an invoice, money order, or cashier’s check. All paid services are non-refundable.
What is a Refund Transfer?
A Refund Transfer (RT) allows customers to pay their tax preparation related fees and other amounts directly from their refund.
What is an Easy Advance?
An Easy Advance (EA) is a no recourse loan secured by a taxpayer’s tax refund to eligible applicants that must be approved by the bank. If approved, a Finance Charge will apply. Advance money is typically available within 48 hours of approval. Upon receipt of a Federal or State tax refund, the EA is repaid by deducting the loan amount and Finance Charge from the refund. After repayment, the remaining amount of the refund is disbursed to the taxpayer by the same disbursement option chosen for the EA proceeds.
Who is eligible for an Easy Advance?
To be eligible to apply for the EA, the expected Federal refund must be equal to or greater than the net refund minimum after all authorized fees have been deducted. A loan application is submitted to the bank for approval.
How does the implementation of $600 reporting threshold for third-party payment platforms’ Forms 1099-K impact tax returns?
The IRS has announced a delay in reporting thresholds for third-party settlement organizations set to take effect for the upcoming 2024 tax filing season. As a result of this delay, third-party settlement organizations will not be required to report tax year 2023 transactions on a Form 1099-K to the IRS or the payee for the lower, $600 threshold amount enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan of 2021. The IRS also has released guidance outlining that calendar year 2023 will be a transition period for implementation of the lowered threshold reporting for third-party settlement organizations (TPSOs) that would have generated Form 1099-Ks for taxpayers. The reporting threshold will be $5,000 for the 2025 Tax Season.
How long should I keep my tax records for?
The IRS urges all taxpayers to develop a recordkeeping system − electronic or paper − that keeps important information in one place. Keep copies of filed tax returns and all supporting documents for at least 5 years.
How can I file for an extension to file my taxes?
Need more time to prepare your federal tax return? Please be aware that an extension of time to file your return does not grant you any extension of time to pay your taxes. Complete the client form today to request your extension.
How do you check the status of your federal tax return?
You may check:
24 hours after e-filing a tax year 2024 return
3 or 4 days after e-filing a tax year 2022 or 2023 return
If you filed on paper, it could take 6 months or more
You can check online or download the IRS2Go app.
IRS2Go is the official mobile app of the IRS where you can check your refund status, make a payment, find free tax preparation assistance, sign up for helpful tax tips, and more! You can check your refund status within 24 hours after we receive your e-filed return, or about four (4) weeks after mailing your paper return. Download the app now through your app store on your electronic mobile device.
IRS2Go is available in both English and Spanish.
Why is my federal tax return delayed?
Find answers to reasons that your federal tax return may be delayed through the link. Some common reasons include when a return:
Is filed on paper
Includes errors, such as incorrect Recovery Rebate Credit
Is incomplete
Needs further review in general
Is affected by identity theft or fraud
Includes a claim filed for an Earned Income Tax Credit or an Additional Child Tax Credit. See Q&A below.
Includes a Form 8379, Injured Spouse AllocationPDF, which could take up to 14 weeks to process
How do I find tax season FAQs for my federal tax return?
You can use the link below to access FAQs regarding your federal tax return.
How quickly are refunds issued?
The IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 calendar days. However, if you filed on paper and are expecting a refund, it could take six months or more to process your return. Where’s My Refund? has the most up to date information available about your refund.